User Profile

A user profile is a directory of stored user settings and information for the related user account.


Jenny Wilson

Front-end Developer, Designer

4.5Instructor Rating

I am an Innovation designer focussing on UX/UI based in Berlin. As a creative resident at Figma explored the city of the future and how new technologies.

View Details
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              <img src="../assets/images/avatar/avatar-1.jpg" alt="" class="rounded-circle avatar-xl">
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              <img src="../assets/images/svg/checked-mark.svg" alt="" height="30" width="30">
           <div class="ms-4">
              <h4 class="mb-0">Jenny Wilson</h4>
              <p class="mb-1 fs-6">Front-end Developer, Designer</p>
              <span class="fs-6"><span class="text-warning">4.5</span><span class="mdi mdi-star text-warning me-2"></span>Instructor Rating</span>
        <div class="border-top row mt-3 border-bottom mb-3 g-0">
           <div class="col">
              <div class="pe-1 ps-2 py-3">
                 <h5 class="mb-0">11,604</h5>
           <div class="col border-start">
              <div class="pe-1 ps-3 py-3">
                 <h5 class="mb-0">32</h5>
           <div class="col border-start">
              <div class="pe-1 ps-3 py-3">
                 <h5 class="mb-0">12,230</h5>
        <p>I am an Innovation designer focussing on UX/UI based in Berlin. As a creative resident at Figma explored the city of the future and how new technologies.</p>
        <a href="instructor-profile.html" class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm">View Details</a>

User Profile Page header

Jenny Wilson


<div class="row align-items-center">
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   <div class="col-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-12">
      <div class="pt-16 rounded-top-md" style="background: url(../assets/images/background/profile-bg.jpg) no-repeat; background-size: cover;"></div>
      <div class="d-flex align-items-end justify-content-between bg-white px-4 pt-2 pb-4 rounded-none rounded-bottom-md shadow-sm">
         <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
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               <img src="../assets/images/avatar/avatar-1.jpg" class="avatar-xl rounded-circle border border-4 border-white" alt="">
               <a href="#" class="position-absolute mb-6 me-n2" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="" data-original-title="Verified">
               <img src="../assets/images/svg/checked-mark.svg" alt="" height="30" width="30">
            <div class="lh-1">
               <h2 class="mb-0">Jenny Wilson</h2>
               <p class="mb-0 d-block">@Jennywilson</p>
            <a href="add-course.html" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm d-none d-md-block">Create New Course</a>

Card Profile

Wade Warren

Web Developer, Designer

Students 50,274
Instructor Rating 4.5
Courses 12
<div class="col-xl-3 col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-12">
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            <img src="../assets/images/avatar/avatar-11.jpg" class="rounded-circle avatar-xl mb-3" alt="">
            <h4 class="mb-0">Wade Warren</h4>
            <p class="mb-0">Web Developer, Designer</p>
         <div class="d-flex justify-content-between border-bottom py-2 mt-4">
            <span class="text-dark">50,274</span>
         <div class="d-flex justify-content-between border-bottom py-2">
            <span>Instructor Rating</span>
            <span class="text-warning">
            4.5 <i class="mdi mdi-star"></i>
     <div class="d-flex justify-content-between pt-2">
        <span class="text-dark"> 12 </span>

Card Contact

Wade Warren

United States

Enrolled 3/12/2020
Progress 0%
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                <img src="../assets/images/avatar/avatar-3.jpg" class="rounded-circle avatar-xl mb-3" alt="">
                <h4 class="mb-1">Wade Warren</h4>
                <p class="mb-0 fs-6"><i class="fe fe-map-pin me-1"></i>United
                <a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondarymt-3 ">Message</a>
            <div class="d-flex justify-content-between border-bottom py-2 mt-4 fs-6">

                <span class="text-dark"> 3/12/2020</span>
            <div class="d-flex justify-content-between pt-2 fs-6">
                <span class="text-success"> 0% </span>

Profile With Counter


Hi, I’m James Davies,
I will be taking you through lessons.

Create beautiful website with this Geeks UI template. Get started building a site today.






Learning Hours

<div class="py-8 py-lg-18">
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      <div class="col-md-10">
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          <div class="col-xl-6 col-lg-7 col-md-12 col-12 order-1 text-center text-lg-start ">
            <!-- caption -->
            <span class="text-primary mb-3 d-block text-uppercase fw-semi-bold ls-xl">YOUR INSTRUCTOR</span>
            <h2 class="mb-2 display-4 fw-bold mb-3">Hi, I’m <span class="text-primary">James Davies</span>,
              <br>I will be taking you through lessons.</h2>
            <p class="fs-3 pe-6">Create beautiful website with this Geeks UI template. Get started building a
              site today.</p>

            <hr class="my-5">
              <!-- Counter -->
            <div class="row">
              <div class="col-sm mb-3 mb-lg-0">
                <h2 class="h1 fw-bold mb-0 ls-xs">45</h2>
                <p class="mb-0">Lessons</p>
              <div class="col-lg-5 col-sm mb-3 mb-lg-0">
                <h2 class="h1 fw-bold mb-0 ls-xs">10,500+</h2>
                <p class="mb-0">Students</p>
              <div class="col-sm mb-3 mb-lg-0">
                <h2 class="h1 fw-bold mb-0 ls-xs">12+</h2>
                <p class="mb-0">Learning Hours</p>
            <!-- Img -->
          <div class="offset-xl-1 col-xl-5 col-lg-5 col-12 mb-6 mb-lg-0 order-lg-2 text-center ">
            <img src="../assets/images/instructor/instructor-img.png" alt="" class="img-fluid">